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Silver Tongued Devils Page 3
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Page 3
“What are you doing?” Na’varr’s question annoyed her.
What the hell did it look like she was doing? Taming a fucking tiger. Her palms brushed over the fine hair on his arm. Look at me. She willed it, needed it.
His jaw clenched and she noticed the small jerk of his head that told her he might want to look down.
Raesa trailed her fingers over the stripes on his biceps.
He seemed to calm down a bit. She continued her caress up to his shoulders and down his chest. Brom glanced down and she smiled, careful to keep her teeth hidden. She’d read somewhere wild animals saw bared teeth as a sign of aggression. At the moment, she didn’t know what part of him she could reach, so it was better to be safe.
“Hey, tiger.” Her voice was pitched as soothing as possible. “Come back to me, okay?”
Emotion knotted in her throat. What would bring him out of it?
Brom watched her with his unwavering stare. She couldn’t see the man in the beast, but that didn’t mean he was completely gone.
“Thank you for letting me touch you. For giving me permission to kiss you.”
He blinked slowly and moved closer to her face.
Brom’s opened his mouth and she heard a strange sound a split second before electric shock locked her muscles tight. They released at once and Brom collapsed on top of her. In moments she was dragged out from under his body.
Raesa tried to shrug off the hands to reach the motionless Brom.
“No!” She screamed and kicked out at the man holding her. He dodged it and she elbowed his thigh.
A muttered curse followed and she broke free. She needed to touch him. Make sure he was okay. Somewhere in the back of her mind she realized how insane her behavior was, but she couldn’t stop the instinctive need to protect.
“Fuck, she’s tough,” a stranger’s voice called out
She fought harder.
“Christ almighty. Stun her again.” Na’varr’s command confused her.
The weird sound came again and she was hit with a sharper, more devastating shock than before. It dropped her to the ground in an instant and the room went dark.
Brom needed her. She couldn’t pass out now…
Chapter Three
Raesa came to in a MEDbay. The medical equipment seemed to be centuries ahead of the clunky MEDcom at the Sakura Outpost. She moved her shoulder, surprised to find it bound comfortably. The muscles were stiff, but the pain was nonexistent. She was also wearing a scarlet tunic. Was it a uniform of some type?
The hem brushed her legs just above the knee. A noticeable draft meant she had no panties on. A pleasant tenderness in her pussy slammed open all the memories of her and Brom.
Raesa jerked to a sitting position and regretted it when the room spun. Or was it her head? She dropped her head into her hands and waited for the world to right itself. Her hair dropped around her face like a curtain. It took a moment to realize it was clean and smelled heavenly. Someone had taken the time to bathe her, wrap her wounds, and give medical treatment. Why?
What had happened to Brom? She dragged herself off the table and held onto it until she was steady standing on the frigid floor.
In a daze, she stumbled over to the MEDbay door. It opened under her palm and she smirked. The viewing room was empty except for a single MEDcom unit. With a grimace against the aches in her body, she forced her way to the com.
She touched the screen and the system loaded immediately. No password? What the hell are they doing?
Her fingers fumbled once before she was able to get the information she needed. The MEDcom would have the location of all personnel on board. It was designed that way to enable rescue operations. Did mercenaries follow the same protocol? She scrolled through the names until she found Brom Raine. A tap on his ID brought up his locater beacon. Holding cell two.
It was red instead of black. That meant he was still alive. Thank the great mother. But for how long? He was in a holding cell.
She brought up the main map and memorized a route that would lead through the least amount of personnel. Raesa glanced around and found her boots near the door. Without waiting another moment she had them on. Her eyes remained on the map until she finished and then she strode out of the room.
She had no doubt there were cameras, but without her tools she couldn’t do anything about them anyway. All Raesa could do was stride with confidence and ignore the prickling sensation of being watched. She wanted to run to Brom’s side, but needed to draw the least amount of attention to her situation.
The path to Brom’s location remained smooth and easier than she thought possible. Only once did she almost get caught. She heard their voices and ducked around the corner.
“The captain finally caged that animal bastard.” The male voice was harsh to her ears and annoying as hell.
It was also vaguely familiar.
“Shut up, man. He’s our executive officer.”
“Fuck him.” Their conversation trailed off and she fought to remain perfectly still until they moved farther away.
The man’s words irked the hell out of her. Hybrids were still human.
I’m part animal. Brom’s words came back to her. I won’t take you on the floor like a beast. Even his crew treated him this way. She reached his door and used a service code on the panel to bypass the entry level security checkpoint. As long as it didn’t require a calibration key to activate, she’d be fine.
A panel light flashed red once, then yellow. The door lock disengaged with a subtle click. Without hesitation she shoved the door open.
The sight before her filled her with horror.
He was shackled and caged like an animal. Raesa gripped the bars to his cell. It was a lavish affair. Cushions and blankets were piled high. But he couldn’t move far from his position on the bed.
Brom reclined naturally. Someone had covered him with a sheet, but she doubted he wore anything beneath it. His chest rose and fell with regular breathing and she wrung her hands, torn between waking him up to see if he was okay, and leaving before she brought him trouble.
His eyes were wicked gleams of amber watching her from the semi-darkness. Any doubts of cat DNA were nulled.
“Did you come here to take advantage of my situation, a’shara?” Brom’s question shook the foundation of her resolve.
“N-no.” She clenched her hands against her stomach. “I came to see if you were okay.” Her cheeks flushed hot and she forced her gaze to remain steady with his.
Brom’s lids lowered until only a gleam of his eyes remained. He held up his hands and she made out the black-gold of kargon-steel cuffs. “As you can see, I’m more than fine. My bestial urges are in check.”
“What happened back there?”
He sighed. “I lost myself.” The ache of sadness in his voice made her want to rush to his side. “You’re dangerous.”
“Like you’re one to talk.”
His wry smile hurt her heart. “Did I scare you?”
She opened her mouth but the words of agreement froze in her throat. Had she really been scared? Embarrassed, definitely. Scared? Not enough to keep me from finding him the moment I woke up.
“You need to leave before things get out of your comfort level.”
She sighed and walked over to his cage controls. “I stowed away on a mercenary ship with the intent to stroll past the outer ring’s border patrol point. The last few months have been a waking nightmare. Your claws coming out didn’t scare me.” She opened the panel and found a basic wiring structure she could bypass.
“All this is too easy,” she muttered under her breath.
“What are you doing?”
“Showing you I’m not afraid.”
Brom cursed and moved to the limits of his chain. The steel rattled and echoed throughout the room. “You should be. Get out of here.”
“No way.” She took the grounding lug off and then set it against the main release lock. It disengaged.
“What did you do?”
Raesa had to fight the urge to rush to Brom’s side. “I opened your cell.” She had five minutes before it reset and locked again.
“I told you, I know these vessels better than your average information acquisitions expert.” She smirked, though the unsettled feeling of this being too easy kept riding her.
She stepped inside and walked toward him.
He grew still and the strange light in his eyes remained. She remembered the way he’d covered her and a shiver passed over her body.
“You’re afraid.”
She wouldn’t deny it. “That’s not all I feel.” Could he sense her excitement as well?
“My cock is hungry for you, hellcat. I can’t fight back so why not take what you want?”
Her gaze skated down his body and immediately back up, but not before she saw the obvious outline of his excitement. “You’re an asshole.”
He inclined his head. “You didn’t come to me because you were worried.”
Anger rushed to the forefront of her mind. “Yes I did.”
“You came because you’re compelled to. We bonded.”
She narrowed her gaze at him. “What, like marriage?”
“No, like a pleasure slave to her master.” A self-depreciating smile made her heart break.
Raesa pressed a palm against her temple.
“Feeling irritable? Want to curl up against me and make sure I’m happy?”
Each question shocked her with their accuracy. How did he know that?
“The captain entrusted you to me, Raesa, and I failed to protect you.”
She stared at him in annoyance. “Don’t be an idiot.”
The surprise on his face was priceless. “Did you just call me an idiot?”
“No, I just told you not to act like one.” Whether it was a compulsion or not, she needed to touch him. “Do you go into beast mode often?”
He shook his head. “You won’t have much time before a new round of lust finds you. Get to the captain before that happens. He should know better than to let you walk free right now.”
“I didn’t exactly gain his permission to be here.”
“That became obvious the moment you broke into the confinement control panel.”
She blinked. “Is that what they’re called?”
“You didn’t know?”
She shook her head. Knowing the name of things like that took up too much space in her already packed brain. A shudder racked her body and her eyes widened.
Voracious sexual hunger slammed through her, leaving her covered in a sweet-scented perspiration. She felt hot and cold at once. An insistent throbbing in her core made Raesa want to jump the closest male and ride him until she dropped. She pressed her palms against her lower stomach. It was all she could do to stay away from Brom.
“Wh-what is this?” It was hard to talk, to think. All she knew was need. Brom.
“You need to leave.” His voice snapped her attention up to his face.
Her fevered gaze met his. “Make this stop.”
A change in his expression made the throbbing worse.
“You want it to stop, you’ll need to let me go.”
Something about the way he watched her destroyed her confidence. He didn’t seem as sane as his voice made out. Her instincts were screaming to get out of there. “I can’t.”
A rumbling growl erupted from his chest and she shivered in anything but fear. Gods she wanted him so bad it brought tears to her eyes. “I need to go back to the MEDbay.”
“No!” His shout surprised her. “You’ll fuck the first thing you see. Don’t try to run. It’s too late.”
“Then what do I do?” She didn’t want to take him. That’s not why she was here.
“Kiss me, hellcat. Let me taste that lust of yours. I’ll make it better.”
Raesa reached for him. His gaze shot to a spot over her shoulder and he launched forward. She stumbled back in surprise.
“What the hell are you thinking?” Captain Na’varr took her wrist and hauled her back against his hard body. “You are so reckless with your life.” He covered her throat with a hand that could crush the life out of her.
“What are you doing?”
“Protecting your foolish neck.” Na’varr was definitely pissed.
Brom stood at the limits of his chains, completely naked, all muscles clenched. He would devastate any woman at that moment. Wild and dangerous. She licked her lips.
Her pulse fluttered dangerously. Did Na’varr feel it against his palm? “What’s happening to him?”
Na’varr’s breath touched her ear. “The drug they injected you with is called soalchik. It creates an aphrodisiac in your saliva.” Na’varr’s hand traveled down her side to her stomach. “Soalchik means deadly flower. Excessive amounts of exposure causes…” his voice trailed off.
Raesa’s stomach clenched in guilt. “He was fine a few minutes ago. I made him like this.” Brom prowled back and forth in front of her, restless, completely in the depths of madness.
“You didn’t. Slavers did, many years ago.”
She put it together quickly. Why he understood her agony. How he’d eased her fears earlier. “How can we fix it?”
Na’varr made a pleased sound in his throat. “Braver than I thought.” He nipped her earlobe with his teeth and she hissed in surprise.
Brom grew still and watched her with hunger plain on his face.
“He looks like he wants to eat me.”
Na’varr chuckled. “Brom does, but not the way you think.”
Her lust ramped up with his suggestive comment. “Why is your hand against my throat.”
“He will either kill or fuck when he’s in this mode. This isn’t the first time I’ve had to calm him down, but usually our women tend to be more…experienced in this type of play.”
She wasn’t sure exactly what he meant. “He’s not the only one going insane with this lust.”
“Can you take us both?” The question was asked with a heated edge.
Her throat went dry. “As in sex with you both? At once?”
“Yes.” The word sent a thrill down her spine. “Double penetration.”
Her pussy ached to be claimed. He was offering her, her darkest fantasy, one she’d only explored with sex toys and imagination. “It’ll be my first time having—” She choked on the words, and couldn’t bring herself to actually say anal sex.
“I’ll take good care of you, Raesa. You have nothing to fear.”
His words tantalized her while soothing her nerves.
He drew up her tunic with teasing slowness, letting the material tickle her skin. “Make Brom want to touch you.”
Raesa’s head fell back against his chest and she observed Brom’s reactions through half-closed eyelids.
Raesa cupped her breasts and squeezed them. Her thumbs brushed the sensitive nipples, bringing them to hard points.
Na’varr’s teasing ended and his fingers slipped into her wet pussy.
Heady pleasure stripped her mind of thoughts. This was what she needed. Touch.
Brom made a strange noise in his throat and she watched his cock harden to its full length. Precum glimmered on the head. She wanted to taste it, and him.
Brom’s gaze was glued to where Na’varr teased his fingers along her slit.
What did it look like? She ached to hear him tell her in that sexy voice of his.
“Do you want her, Brom?”
His second in command stared directly into her eyes and nodded.
“Are you in control?”
Brom breathed slowly and nodded once more. The strange urge to run she’d had earlier slid away.
“Ship, this is Captain Na’varr. Release the prisoner.”
A quiet hum met his command and Brom’s chains dropped from the bracers on his wrists.
“Must be nice to be the captain.”
Na’varr pumped his fingers in and out of her. “It has its advantages.”
; She moaned and Brom dropped to his knees in front of her. His fingers gripped her thighs, spreading them apart so his mouth could lick where Na’varr stroked her pussy. The first swipe of his tongue shattered her will to speak.
Raesa was cradled between them, and vaguely aware of being lowered to the cushions. Brom lapped at her wet heat and then flicked his tongue over her clit.
She moaned. Just like that. She needed more.
Na’varr moved away and Brom wrapped his arms around her thighs, dragging her forward and up so he could feast on her with sexual abandon.
His tongue and lips worked her into a frenzy. She gripped his hair and tugged, wanting the sweet agony to end. The hybrid climbed up her body.
Na’varr covered Brom’s mouth with his hand when he would have kissed her. The captain captured her gaze with his. Both men watched her with hunger in their eyes.
Raesa whimpered. She was lost to them both.
“Don’t let him kiss you, Raesa. Not until the worst of the change is over. We don’t want a repeat of last night.”
Raesa nodded, hating the way her heart clenched. His kisses were more than enticing. They were devastating in all the right ways.
“I want you to ride him, beautiful. Can you do that for me?” Na’varr eased Brom down to his back.
Brom was gorgeous. Every stripe and scar made him precious and unique. “Can I kiss his body?”
Na’varr’s smile burned bright and wicked. “Yes.”
She climbed up Brom’s body and tasted his skin with tongue and lips, teasing a path up one thigh while her nails raked the other in light strokes that brought pleasant sounds from his throat.
Raesa nuzzled his hard cock and swiped her tongue against the velvet skin. Her hands gripped his dick and brought it to her mouth. The salty tang of his precum brought a moan of joy from her throat. Holding him with one hand, she dropped the other to caress his balls. She teased the head with soft licks. He tasted like sin .
Na’varr knelt beside them, fully naked and gorgeous in every way. He reached between them to thumb her clit .
The captain gently dragged her away from Brom’s cock and up, capturing her lips with his own. He swept his tongue in and stole her breath. He ended the kiss. “As I thought, you taste good together.”